June 14, 2020

Life Lesson - CHOOSE YOUR WORDS !!

While reflecting on what all I have done today and whom all I have spoken today over phone, I realized that I was engaged with one of my colleague for quite long time to discuss how is life going on and our conversation went on to the news and happenings. Eventually he shared some bitter part of his life how one of his colleague disrespected him in front of many.
While I was listening to his bitter experience, I remembered a story which was told me by someone long ago, though to share with you all.
It is a wise life lesson we all must remember and it is about choosing words which are intended for others. 
Story goes in this way.......

Once upon a time, there lived an old man in a colony. The man spread rumours that his neighbour (a young man) was a thief. As a result, his neighbour was arrested by the police. Days later after the court proceedings, the young man proved to be innocent and was released. 
However, the young man felt humiliated as he walked down to his home. He sued the old man for wrongly accused him. 
In court, the old man responded to the judge, 'They were just comments, did not harm anyone..'
The judge, before passing sentence on the case, told the old man, 'Write all the things you said about him on a piece of paper. Cut them up and throw the paper out on your way home. Tomorrow, come back to hear the sentence.'
The next day, the judge told the old man, 'Before receiving the sentence, you need to go out and collect all the papers you threw out yesterday and come back'.
The old man said, 'I can not do that. The wind must have spread them out and I don't know where to find them.'
The judge then replied, 'The same way, simple comment can destroy the reputation of a man which he can not fix it up anymore.'
The old man realized his mistake and asked for forgiveness.

Now, we all can conclude with the moral of this wise story. Have you ever used some words to destroy other's reputation? If yes, then think several times, if the same would have happened to you what you would have done? It takes a lot to gain the respect and reputation. It is earned over the period of time. But it takes a moment to ruin it.

I have experienced the same from few of my colleagues, who pretended to be my dear one, but proved to be the man of 'untrustworthy words'. At some point, because of their loose words about me, my reputation went down in the eyes of my superior, however it took a lot to regain the old respect. I feel pity for them, as they walk away with the pride of their lies thinking that they have won every battle of life. But probably they do not know that 'Karma gives back everything which they do in their lives'.
Better choose your word wisely before you say it, it can make a relation and can break it as well.

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