June 15, 2020

Positive Sides of CORONA Chapter...

Corona Virus or COVID-19 has now become extremely popular for it's negative impact on us. It has ruined the daily life of individuals. It did not spare the economy, it impacted the globalization. There is no industry left behind which is not affected by COVID-19. It has now become a bitter experience for everyone. 
Amid this pandemic situation, when the negativity is all around there are several positive sides also discovered which many of us actively experience. Let's talk about them... 
Family Time
All the working men and women who remain busy at their work areas day to day, get the minimum scope to spend quality time with their family members. For many, one day (week day) or two are the buffer time to be with their family. But Corona era forced all of us to stay united with our family members, spending the much needed quality time, understanding our own family values and sharing the precious moments with our loved ones. 
I was interacting with one of my friend in Bengaluru and he said, 'It was blessing now to be with my family, as after starting my job I did not have this type of opportunity to spend quality time with family at least for three months'. I acknowledged him with my similar experience. 

New Learning - 
During this COVID-19 phase I have spoken to most of my friends and interacted with many colleagues over virtual platforms and realized that more than 80% of them are spending some of their quality time to learn something new. Some have learned how to be perfect in conducting virtual sessions, as they are also engaged with 'work from home'. Some are upgrading their skills through online courses offered by Coursera, Linked-in Learning, e-Cornell and many more platforms. 

Pursuing Passion - 
Amid COVID-19 lock down period when we were restricted not to go out of our houses at all, many of us found to pursue our passions which probably got extinguished due to negligence or our so called busy schedule. 
I was interacting with my friend from Gurgaon and she mentioned that this lock down period had given her opportunity to learn playing guitar. Many of my L&D friends got into writing blogs. I have again pen down to write my blog after many years. 

⠗ Knowing the Unknown - 
"One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood"....... Lucius Annaeus Seneca
This difficult time is unmasking many untrue friends in our life. We go with the flow considering everyone as our friends whom we interact at work day to day. When the tough time comes they get filtered and show their original characters. 

⠗ Fresh Breath - 
The Corona led lock down period forced several environmental factors towards improvement. "There is a large improvement in air quality, especially in urban areas. The main reason is reduced human activities", said Professor Satheesh, IISC Bangalore. The major contributions to pollution were vehicular emissions, industries, waste burning, crop residue burning. Overall the people get to breath fresh air. 
Better Practice of Hygiene - 
We always preach for several good practices to inculcate and there is no strong evidence that people after listening to this implement 100%. But, now this global pandemic situation has led us all to practice the basic hygiene activities like hand washing, cleaning cloths regularly, disinfecting daily work stations, personal hygiene care, etc. Those have become part of our daily lives. 

Picture courtesy to unsplash.com

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