August 13, 2020

Brahmi - Brain booster wonder herb !!

 There are many herbs species found in India which are extremely beneficial for our health in any form, one such is BRAHMI. This unique herb is often regarded as the 'Brain Booster'. Brahmi is a small succulent green herb with numerous branches, rooting at the nods. It grows naturally in wet soil, shallow water and marshes. 

The whole flower including the flowers can be used for medicinal purposes. It has sweet and bitter taste and is known to impart a cooling energy.

Brahmi is a therapeutic herb commonly used as a memory enhancer, aphrodisiac and a health tonic. 

According to Dr. Akhilesh Sharma, an Ayurvedic Expert, “Brahmi is excellent for improving your brain functions and strengthening your memory. It enhances the three aspects of memory which include long term memory, short term memory and the retaining capacity

Fresh pluck of Brahmi from my garden

Brahmi has a cooling property which keeps the mind calm and free of anxiety. It also promotes sound sleep. 

Here are FIVE wonderful benefits of Brahmi and how it can help you achieve good health. 

ONE | Brahmi helps to boost the memory. It has the positive effect on the hippocampus part of the brain that is responsible for intelligence, memory and concentration.

TWO | It reduces stress and anxiety as it decreases the levels of cortisol, which is known as stress hormone. 

THREE | Brahmi is full of antioxidants that are essential for living a healthy life. Antioxidants help in removing free radicals that can further mutate into cancer cells.

FOUR | Regular consumption of brahmi helps to strengthen the immunity system in body. 

➽ FIVE | Brahmi benefits to beauty as well. Brahmi oil is a great source to preveny hair fall, it is great treating dry scalp. It treats the dandruff, itchiness, and formation of split ends. 

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