August 11, 2020

The Happiness Alphabets.......

'Happiness' is the state of mind which everyone wants to hold on to themselves. Happiness is when you feel good about yourself without feeling the need for anyone else's approval. 
The key to being happy is knowing you have the power to choose what to accept and what to let go.
As wisely said once by Dalai Lama,

Here are the 'Alphabets of Happiness' which one should adhere to...

Accept everything in life, be it good or bad. You can not ignore few situations in life. Accept everyone for who they are and what are their beliefs. 

Believe in yourself always, never doubt your instinct. What you believe you receive. You don't become what you want, you become what you believe. The happy people always believe on themselves and their capability.  

Commitment is the most precious gift one can expect from others. The happy people always stick to their commitment. You commit to what you promise. A committed soul remain happy always.

Decide that you will be successful and the happiness will be on your way no matter what would be the circumstances. Your determination in life regulates your happiness. 

Experience all the possibilities in life, you can not ignore them all the times. Explore the situations; it says you should learn both the 'good' and 'odd', and you will learn from both. Holding to good only will not make you happy always, you should learn how to handle the odd as well.

Forgive and forget ! Learn to forgive people who has done odds to you, who has annoyed you. You have a simple and small life to live, forgive everyone and move on. You will truly find the happiness. 

Be always Grateful to each and everyone for their contribution to your life. Spread your random act of kindness. The more grateful you are more happiness you will experience. 

Be humble to your self. There is a saying, "Humble people sees happiness in every situation". Your humbleness shows your character and conveys your calmness to others.

Never stop improving your skills. No one is perfect in this world, we always have a room for improvement and we must continue to excel ourselves by improving our skills, knowledge and abilities. 

A joyful mind is the first sign of happiness. We accept happiness from others when we see someone is joyful. And it is the vice-versa way. It is the lovely state of mind to stay happy always.

Know your surroundings, a knowledgeable person always express happily. There is no boundary to knowledge. 

Love everyone; Love your friends, families, colleagues, acquaintances or even your enemies. Hatred creates heaviness in heart whereas love makes mind and heart free. A free heart will always be happy.

Motivate yourself always for a new unknown. A motivated mind is curious to accept the challenges. There is secret to happiness when someone is self-motivated.

Network yourself with good people to receive the positive vibes - be it a personal network or a professional network. Study shows that a person surrounded with good people in networks remains happy most of the time.

To remain happy, you must observe everything. Open your eyes and observe the beauty around you. Even in the worse times there is still much to be thankful for.

No how well establish you are or how busy you are, take time out for 'praying'. Praying improves mind memory, it calms the mind and increase the spiritual mind's ability to concentrate.
Ask questions always. Remember, you do not know everything in this world, so there is always an opportunity to learn more by questioning. A happy mind will not have doubts which are not attempted. 

An important value every individual person should have in order to stay happy always, Respect does not always to a human being, but also to the environment, surroundings and situations. Respect is reciprocal most of the time, you show to gain the same. When you get 'respect' your inner 'you' becomes happy.

Share and care are another secrets of a happy person. Share your talent, skills, knowledge with other. Care for them who left a happy memory in your life.

Like Respect, Trust is also an essential element for happy life. One can never be happy being distrusting others. For every stages in life trust comes very easily and we need to trust everyone for being happy.

Utilize your talent to the best of its use. It is god gifted. A talented individual becomes more happy when his/her talent is well utilized.

Value everyone's decision, way of thinking and they way they live the life. Not everyone is same in this earth. Value the family members who have supported you in your needs. One can respect the value of every individual and remain happy. 

Work hard everyday to be the best person you want to be, never feel guilty even if you fail to do so. Remember every one gets the second chance, or even more.

Look deep inside everyone's heart like X-Ray and understand the goodness in them for you, how grateful they are to you. It will certainly make you very happy.

Yield to your commitment. Stay focused always. If you are committed, your success will fetch you the yield which you are looking for, at the end.

Reflect your memory of happiness by zooming into it. Time does not guarantee with all good situations. When the time goes against the flow zoom into the sweet memories, kindness served to others; those will make you smile on your face and make you happy.


  1. Good read. Valuable insights. This reaffirms how happiness starts from within.

    1. Thank you Jeenu for your feedback on the insights.
