November 11, 2020

08 Leadership Learnings from Mr. Barrack Obama, former president of US.

"Change is Never Easy, but Always Possible".........

 Barrack Obama

 I was not that keen on knowing who were the US presidents till date, neither was I preparing for any competitive examination, so! But somehow during my professional career since few years back I got fascinated by former US President Barrack Obama's characters and leadership styles. 

I have these wonderful key leadership takeaways from his style of leadership...

 Being humble - Once president Obama said during his presidential tenure that "I actually found I became more humble the longer I was in office". He also become less fearful. He said that as president of US, you make mistakes everyday, everyone has seen you fail, and 'large portion of country feels that you are an idiot'. But he said it was a 'liberating feeling' when you realize it's ok, you are still here and you have the chance to do good. 


 Find the middle ground - We live in a time where there is contest, arguments and a race to win always. There are powers and authority, yet there are talents as well. What is required the most is to "find the middle ground - that reunites the thought". Society works better when everybody has a voice. The culture should allow it. It certainly finds an 'Win-win' situation in all perspective. 


 Listen - It is important to keep our egos and opinions aside before putting it forward, but LISTEN. When you pay attention to someone or to the community, you discover many hidden potentials which may change your strategy and thinking power. You have to pay respect to others by lending your ears and that is how people feel comfortable to you. 


 Find balance when you are young - Obama said that 'There is no perfect formula, but i think it starts  with recognizing that on your deathbed, you will not remember work. I will not remember any bill I passed or any big crowds  or the inauguration, I will be thinking about holding hands with my daughters and seeing them laugh. This is going to be the things that last, the thing that sticks."  So true he is. We mostly forget our real happiness, why are we earning money and fame. It is extremely important to find the balance in the early stage itself. 

 Never feel Hopeless - There will be resistance, new things to adopt, new things to implement. Some may challenge you, some will not support you, yet you need to carry on and never feel hopeless. We will have to anticipate some of the consequences of that. We have to be optimistic and show our care to the planet. There will be problems and disruptions, but we should not feel hopeless. 

 Understand that where you grow up, shapes your perspective - "Where you grow up changes that way you look at the world, and that doesn't make you better or worse than somebody else, just different".

 Be a fun loving person  - Always be a fun loving person, which will detox your mind and make you to be a better thinker. No matter which ever power you hold, whichever designation you pose, always  make yourself to have fun. Life is not always serious. 


 Keep Inspiring Others - Not all the people born perfect, some needs direction, some needs motivation, some needs coaching or mentoring. Be the one to inspire others. Take time out to inspire people with your own values and personality. 

 I am glad that few traits of Mr. Obama, I am able to follow and implement for myself professionally as well as personally. In simple words, he has been an amazing leader to inspire many leaders of the world. Very simple yet very rich in personal characteristics the former president is. 
Last, but not the least, citing a famous quote from him,

"Keep exploring. Keep dreaming. Keep asking why. Don't settle for what you already know.
 Never stop believing in the power of your own ideas, your imagination, your hard work to change the world"...

Picture References: You can catch up 171 glimpses of former president Barrack Obama on his various 'avatars'.

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