November 08, 2020

Organic Lemon Trees from my Garden !!

Today, I am going to take you through my Lemon Tree garden, but before that let me tell you few interesting and useful facts about lemon.

It is an wonder fruit, sour in taste, has many health benefits. Lemon is very rich in Vitamin-C. One 50 gms lemon can provide over 30 mg of Vitamin-C

Lemons increase the taste and flavour to baked dishes, sauces, salad dressings, marinades, drinks and desserts. 

When it comes to health benefits, it has many qualities. I personally take a glass of lemon juices (with pinch of salt) every morning after getting up from bed; which makes me to be fresh and keeps my body active.

The nutrients in lemon helps preventing diseases and boosts the immunity.  Few important benefits of taking lemon regularly are:

 Boosting immunity system - 

Foods that are rich in Vitamin-C helps to strengthen the immunity system against the germs which triggers common cold and flu. Squeezing a whole lemon intro a glass of lukewarm water with a spoonful of honey  makes a soothing drink for someone cough and cold. In fact it should be a regular practice for everyone.

  Weight Loss -

A lemon detox diet prevents to accumulate body fat and body weight. 

 Lower the Heart Disease - 

The flavonoids in lemon helps in lowering the heart disease, as it helps in regulating blood clots in the body. 

  Controlling Blood Pressure - 

In a research it was found that the people who regularly takes lemon in their food and walks regularly, are having the lower blood pressure (which is controlled). However, both of this to go simultaneously. My mother is a regular morning walker since any years and the results of her blood pressure gives me satisfaction.

 Cancer Prevention - 

Antioxidants in lemon  prevent free radicals from causing cell damage which can cause cancer. 

 Others -

Apart from above benefits, there are many more.. It helps in healing fatigue, depression, constipation, loosening of teeth, joint pain, hangovers, malaise (feeling of being uneasy).

I am blessed to have some species of this wonderful fruits in my organic garden, sharing few pictures of them..  

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